Mastodon Analytics for Professionals

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Understand your Audience
Slice your audience into actionable metrics. Combined with our tailored suggestions, we help you optimize your reach and conversion rates. With metricdon you can make the most of your network.

Actionable Advice
We'll analyze your network graph to identify your most engaged followers, highlight those who have the highest impact as message promoters, or help you understand which accounts it may or may not make sense to interact with, based on what we classify as genuine individuals interested in your content vs. promotional spam accounts that will not interact or boost any of your work.
Analytics from Experts
We have been providing our analytics solutions to some of the world's largest brands, social-media giants and Hollywood celebrities. From international media corporations to blue-chip industry leaders. If you need something we currently don't have, talk to us, there's a very good chance we can figure it out.

Backup & Export
You create the content, so the data should be yours to keep.We help you export it, so you can run your own analytics pipeline in Excel or embed it into reports or renders.We provide a simple and fully-automated backup of your most recent data. If your Mastodon instance goes down unexpectedly, or worse: permanently, we may be able to get back some if not all of your data.
It only takes two clicks to start, no need to create an account with us.
We simply use your Mastodon Account for authentication, so you do not have to create yet another account. Plus, our basic account is free and should give you a great idea of how it all works.
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